International Dog Show CACIB Israel
Judge: Walter Youngblt(Germany)
Puppy class- BullBravery's Adriette de Feofaniya Exclusive French-1-very promising ,Best Puppy!
National Dog Show CAC Israel
Judge: Antonio de Lorenzo(Italy)
Puppy class- BullBravery's Adriette de Feofaniya Exclusive French-2-very promising .
International Dog Show CACIB Plovdiv
Judge: Galina Todorova (Bulgaria)
Junior class -Graolis Blackberry Juisy Taste-1-excellent,JCAC,Best Junior and BOB!
National Dog Show CAC Plovdiv
Judge: Piotor Krol (Polsha)
Junior class -Graolis Blackberry Juisy Taste-1-excellent,JCAC,Best Junior and BOB!
BIS Junior -3 place!
Other judge Maciej Kozber (Polsha) has given - 1 place BOG !
Open class - Feofaniya de Chantelle Exclusive French -1-excellent,CAC.
National Dog Show CAC Plovdiv
Judge: Galina Todorova (Bulgaria)
Open class - Feofaniya de Chantelle Exclusive French -1-excellent,CAC and BOB!
Cynology week 19-26 July Shkorpilovtci,Bulgaria
International Dog Show CACIB Shkorpilovtci,Bulgaria
Judge: Denis Kuzelj(Slovenia)
Junior class Graolis Blackberry Juisy Taste -1-excellent,JCAC,Best Junior!
Open class Noblige Caypiroska-1 excellent,CAC,CACIB,Best male!
With this win, Noblige Caypiroska became Bulgarian Champion!